Open Hours: Monday to Thursday – 9:30am to 4:30pm
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About us

Providing mediation in West Kent for over 25 years!

WKM has been working in the local West Kent community since 1996. WKM is run by a board of Trustee directors, all of whom have a wide area of expertise, both in the voluntary and financial sectors. WKM has 3 time staff members and 27 volunteers.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary way of dealing with conflict. It has proven to be successful in resolving a wide variety of disputes, and enables those involved to reach an agreement that satisfies everyone.
Focusing on the future encourages participants to rebuild relationships rather than apportioning blame for what has happened in the past. By acknowledging feelings as well as facts, it allows participants to let go of anger and upset, and move forward. People in dispute often find that communication and trust have broken down. Mediation provides an impartial third party to help negotiations in a safe and effective way, enabling, the parties to come up with practical solutions which will benefit everyone.
Teenager Mediation
Mediation is confidential and all meetings take place in private.
Mediators will never take action or do anything without the permission of all parties involved, and all proceedings are conducted on a “without prejudice” basis. Mediation is a confidential process and all proceedings are conducted on a “without prejudice” basis.

How mediation works

Both parties are visited separately to talk about the facts and issues that are concerning them and how they would like them to be resolved. Information shared during the visits is private and confidential (with the exception of disclosure of serious abuse) unless otherwise agreed.
All parties have to agree to take part
Anyone can withdraw at any stage if they want to.
If both parties agree to a joint meeting, some basic rules, such as listening without interrupting, and not using offensive remarks or gestures, are agreed. Each person will then have some uninterrupted time to talk about the problem as it affects them.

The mediators ensure that everyone understands what each person has said, and then allow full and equal discussion. Very often this leads to an agreement, which is usually written down and signed by all present. This is not a legally binding document, but acts as a reminder to what was agreed at the meeting. Mediated agreements are not binding in law and each party has a right to seek independent legal advice.

Should the parties not wish to attend a joint meeting, or the mediators think it inappropriate, ‘shuttle’ mediation will take place. This involves mediators working in the same way, but without the parties in the same room as each other.

Mediation is not a legal process and any agreements are not binding in law. Parties have a right to seek legal advice, and mediation does not prevent parties from initiating other procedures. All mediation proceedings are conducted on a “without prejudice” basis – what is said during mediation proceedings will be confidential.


Our mediators are all volunteers from the local community who wish to help people involved in conflict. They are impartial, independent, and always work in pairs.

WKM volunteers have all undertaken a 40-hour community mediation training course. This includes the theory of mediation, role play, and the skills mediators need, such as active listening, communication and empathy. They then work with an experienced WKM mediator on three community cases, under the guidance of one of our qualified supervisors.

It is the policy of WKM to require all its volunteers to hold a current enhanced disclosure and barring certificate.

Additional training is available for mediators wishing to work on parent/teen and restorative conferencing cases.

If you are interested in learning new skills and becoming a volunteer mediator for West Kent Mediation, we would like to hear from you.

Funded by a caring community

Without this funding we would be unable to provide the mediation service, and are extremely grateful to all those organisations that fund our organisation.
WKM receives funding from:
Sevenoaks District Council
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council

WKM have service level agreements in place with:
West Kent Housing Association
Town & Country Housing Group

WKM also receives many important donations from Town and Parish councils in the West Kent area, as well as other charitable organisations.

Charity Registration Number: 1100637
A Company Limited by Guarantee Registration Number: 4830437 England
clarion housing
We're here to help
Get in touch with us today and speak with one of our friendly team.
Contact us on our contact form or call us on 01732 469 696.

How you can support West Kent Mediation

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