Open Hours: Monday to Thursday – 9:30am to 4:30pm
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Could you be a West Kent Mediation trustee?

We’re looking for new Trustees!

Who are we?

We’re looking for new Trustees to support our work. Our Mediators work with a range of people and communities, including neighbours, families, workplaces and schools. This conflict resolution is a vital service and we’ve seen plenty of positive outcomes as a result.

What do we need from you?

  • We’d love you to be local to us (Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells areas) so that you are aware of the local community and understand the issues that may arise
  • We hold six Trustees meetings and an AGM each year – they start at 9.30am and normally last about two hours each
  • It would be great to utilise your skills to seek further funding opportunities and help staff update policies and procedures

What can we offer in return?

  • Your travel expenses for coming to meetings will be reimbursed
  • A friendly team and a feeling of being part of a valued organisation!

Here’s why volunteer Mediator Alison loves to be a part of West Kent Mediation: “I started mediating in neighbour disputes for WKM in 1997 as I felt strongly that mediation worked in all sorts of areas. Problems could be solved where all parties wanted this. We do not judge or take sides. We do not tell our clients what to do. I continue to work as a mediator for WKM as I do because I continue to feel good about what we do. The training and supervision we receive as mediators is excellent. Volunteering for WKM is great."

To express your interest, please email CEO Amanda Bell (

November 7, 2022
We're here to help
Get in touch with us today and speak with one of our friendly team.
Contact us on our contact form or call us on 01732 469 696.

How you can support West Kent Mediation

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